Why Does This Sound Familiar?

Recently, a well known “celebrity” in the automotive field who is making a high mileage, revolutionary product declared, “… a long list of organizations,” including OIL COMPANIES and Wall Street short-sellers, that “want [us] to die.

In the 1930s a Canadian inventor named Pogue declared that he had created a high mileage revolutionary product.  Mr. Pogue’s revolutionary invention was a gas vaporizing carburetor that would allow a car to travel 200 miles on 1 gallon of gasoline. All that was required was a simple swap of the standard carburetor with the Pogue device and any car would achieve 200 Miles Per Gallon.

Why don’t we see 200 MPG cars today? It’s been almost 90 years since this miraculous discovery.

The answer over the years is that one of the big American automobile manufacturers and BIG OIL COMPANIES bought Mr. Pogues miracle design and have suppressed it’s use so they could sell more oil. Even today, people still believe this conspiracy theory.  Break out the tin foil hats, folks.

Science time. Fuel vaporization is only a small part of an engines efficiency. The bigger factors of efficiency according to thermodynamics is Th versus Tc or “T-hot versus T-cold”. There’s a fancy equation to figure out thermal efficiency but in simple terms you want the combustion process as hot as possible and the expanding burning gas to become as cold as possible. An engine manufacturer needs to balance these two opposite requirements and make a product that actually works and doesn’t melt down. Again in simple terms the biggest factors of INEFFICIENCY is the heat loss through a car’s engine block and cooling system which are necessary to prevent the engine from destroying itself.  Try running your engine with out water in the radiator and see how well that turns out.  But SCIENCE and FACTS ruin a good conspiracy theory.  Bah humbug to science.  We can have 68 genders according to the wacky social justice warrior crowd even though SCIENCE doesn’t back that up.  So let’s just keep blaming BIG OIL for all the ills in the world.

So who was the automotive celebrity that stated recently that BIG OIL COMPANIES want his company to fail?

Elon Musk the CEO of Tesla Inc.

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