Showboat and the Dimbulbs

Showboat” Comey mused that he wondered how solid President Trump’s marriage was, after he revealed the existence of the Dimbulbocrat paid for “dossier” to the President. President Trump asked that Showboat investigate the unverified, salacious document, because he didn’t want even the slightest chance that his wife might think there was truth to the “dossier”.  Showboat claims his wife would never question him if a document came out with wild “pee party” allegations and the name Comey attached to it, which is why he questioned the stability of the Trump marriage.  Hello people.  The “dossier” was an official FBI document obtained by, at the time, unknown but supposedly “reliable” sources within the US intelligence community.  The “dossier” was convincing enough to bamboozle a Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act Court judge to start the investigation into President Trump and Russian collusion as well as to spy on US citizens within the borders of Our Country.  Don’t you think anyone might have at least a tiny bit of doubt if their spouse was accused of something in an official FBI document that supposedly came from “reliable” sources within the intelligence community?

Let’s not forget that Billybob LIED to Congress, UNDER OATH and was IMPEACHED for that LIE, because he felt that if he told the TRUTH that he banged the intern, his family (including his wife Hillybob) would suffer shame and ridicule. President Trump just wanted Showboat to find out where this “dossier” came from, because he knew it was a pack of lies.

In other Dimbulbocrat news,  the Dems say the DOJ Investigator General’s judgement needs to be called into question. What’s their reasoning? Because he’s only given criminal referrals implicating Clintonistas. Uh have the Dimbulbs ever considered that maybe this is because only the Hillybob wankers were the guilty ones?

Me thinks all the guilty Swamp denizens are pooping in their britches as they are all screaming, “All the illegal things we did were never supposed to see the light of day!  She wasn’t supposed to lose!


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