Here is yet another reason I despise the trickery of the Left.
They have coined the term “Common Sense (fill in the blank)“. Right now they are screaming that “everyone” wants “common sense gun control“. Disagree and you are not part of the “everyone”. If you are opposed to their agenda, obviously you lack “common sense” and are summarily dismissed as just another screwball who is “bitter and clings to guns and religion“, as noted by Senator Barack Obama in 2008. That all said, what exactly is “common sense”?
Well banning weapons that are SCARY LOOKING is obviously “common sense”. The other “common sense” measure bandied about is a “Voluntary” Australian-like buyback program. Hillybob said during her FAILED campaign that “we” need to seriously look at an Australian buyback program. Of course we will all line up to “voluntarily” hand over all of our firearms, Second Amendment be damned.
Once again let’s roll the tape and see just what such a measure would accomplish. BE FOREWARNED, the Commies will never give you these FACTS.
In 1996 and 2003 the Australian government instituted a “National Firearms Buyback Program” where they compensated people to turn in, under force of law, their firearms. The program was MANDATORY because they changed their firearms ownership laws, just like they want to do here. To be clear, this was not a “voluntary” program. They didn’t say “Come on down, mate and we’ll give you some money for the firearms that you don’t want anymore”. It was give us your guns, take the money, and be happy we didn’t lock you up.
“MILITARY STYLE” weapons were a class of banned firearms. They also outlawed all long guns, most rimfire rifles, most semiautomatic weapons, pump shotguns, most handguns including revolvers, and a host of other types. The buyback program cost the Australian taxpayer about $800.00 per gun confiscated in 1997. Let’s do the numbers, folks. With inflation you’re talking almost double that amount in today’s dollars. The Washington Post keeps saying there are 357,000,000 guns in the US. When we update the $800.00 for the cost of inflation we will need to payout $1251.00 per gun to confiscate them. That would be almost HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS to buy them back.
You can read one of my previous post HERE and you’ll see that’s about what we allocate for all of MEDICAID. So we just need another Medicaid sized debt expenditure.
HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS is peanuts, for those commie who have corned the market on all “common sense“. All the devoted Pelosi-ites, Schumerites, Bernites, and Hillybobites hated the “crumbs” tax cuts. Just raise taxes. All American love to pay more taxes for good “progressive” causes. Think of the children. Makes “common sense” to me.
But that’s not what I came here to write about. I will present a few more facts, tomorrow, about the “Australian Buyback” and how it makes such wonderful LIBERAL “common sense”, if there is such a thing.