Steal From The Poor And Give To Whom?

Thank you oh great leaders and minds running this nut house.

The Los Angeles County board of supervisors is considering a 1/4% increase in the county wide sales tax to fund programs to help the 47,000+ (and increasing) homeless population.

Just “For Your Information”, the LA County sales tax will be 9.5% in 2017 and automatically goes up to 10% in 2039.  The proposed increase is on top of all of that.  All of you nice Angelenos will be paying almost 10% on everything you buy if the measure passes.

The sales tax increase is expected to generate $335,000,000.00 each year. Yesiree, Bob, that’s more than a THIRD OF A BILLION DOLLAR$. More than $7000 for every homeless person.

Looking at it another way, the money raised for the 47,000 works out to a $3.56 per hour raise for each of them if they worked full-time. Someone who makes $15 per hour (for all you Feel The Bern folks), that’s equivalent to a 24% raise!  The 2017 minimum wage in Los Angeles will be $12 per hour so that would be almost a 30% raise.

Everyone ready for your 30% raise next year? Of course we all get those sorts of raises every single year.  Woohoo!  Just need to be one of the 47,000,

Here’s my take. A sales tax increase is about the most regressive tax that can be enacted. What do I mean by that? Well sales tax is paid at the same rate whether you’re rich or poor. The people that a sales tax increase hurts the most are the working poor. It takes a bigger bite out of what money they have to live on than it does to a wealthy individual. That’s why we have income tax brackets. Those on the lower end pay at a lower rate than those who are the top wage earners. Sales tax is not graduated by income.  Of course the brain trust with all their great wisdom of the ages, and their caring progressive socialist agenda, takes this all into consideration, as they stick it to the hard working people that they SAY (words can be cheap) they look out for and represent.  And they still wonder why Mr. Trump won the Presidential Election.

To be fair, the geniuses who think up this stuff, the County Supervisors, are part of the WORKING POOR and they feel the pain of having to get by on ONLY about $200,000 in annual salary and $3,000,000 (that’s right 3 MILLION DOLLAR$) in expenses. The $3 million is to cover office supplies, staff, limousines, pet projects, you know the day to day stuff we all spend $3 million a year on.  And I’m not counting any of the side deals that of course DON’T happen, wink wink.  Tough to get by on that paltry amount.  So they are suffering along with the rest of us dregs.  “I feel your pain“, Bill ‘Flat broke with only $150 million’ Clinton.

All part of the great progressive movement of wealth redistribution.  Robbing Hood, steal from the working poor and give the the non-working!  Seems fair to me.  The fairness of it all makes my ‘DEPLORABLE‘ (I’m one of those low life racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, conservatives who obviously doesn’t give a crap) body feel all tingly!  Of course I may be feeling something sneaking up from behind.  I’d best not drop the soap…

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