I’m admitting to you, I was wrong.
I wrote earlier that it cost you the taxpayer about $1,000,000 big ones every time President Obama takes a flight and stumps for Hillybob. You can read my original post HERE.
It was recently noted that the DNC paid what it says is customary reimbursement for use of Air Force One. The amount that they paid?
Looks like I was way off base. I made the erroneous assumption that they paid half of the cost. They reimbursed less than 4% of the total cost, NOT 50% as I had estimated. My bad. Interestingly they also used 2 hours of flight time in their reimbursement calculation.
Revising my numbers, it looks like it costs the US Taxpayer almost the full $2 million big tamales,
You know the old saying when you assume something, “They make an ASS out of you and me”, which is just what they are doing.
So I hereby apologize to President Obama, The DNC, and Hillybob for making an incorrect assumption about how fair and transparent they are to the American taxpayer.