Yesterday, a San Francisco “lawmaker” (breaker), put forth a bill to BAN doing business with companies that just SEEK to bid on President Trump’s border wall.
An Oakland city councilman and the Berkeley mayor joined in with the lawbreaker Supervisor Hillary Ronen, stating that this legislation is “beyond symbolic” and “upholds basic principles” held by San Francisco.
Back the freaking truck up!
Aren’t these the same “Progre-sissies” who condemn bakers in the Midwest who REFUSED to do business with a gay couple, even though the bakers believe doing so is against their “basic principles“?
Oh, that’s right. I keep forgetting that laws and forcing compliance only applies to those that have views different than the Progre-sissy agenda. Any law that is contrary to The Sissy view can be ignored. Any law that is against conservatism should be vigorously enforced. So said Governor Moonbeam, here in the People’s Rebublik of Kalifornia as he and his staff will pick and choose which Federal laws they will comply with or disobey, based not upon the rule of law, but on their feelings of moral righteousness. Looks like you CAN have your cake and eat it, too.
And let’s not forget that here in the PRK the United States Constitution is not cast in stone and we can have law based upon whatever we feel like at the moment. This was declared by PRK Komrade Senator Feinstein, yesterday, when she said during the Supreme Court conformation hearings for Judge Gorsuch, the Constitution is an “evolving” set of principles that changes with the times. It may have been one thing before, it can be another thing today, and it may be yet another thing tomorrow according to Feinstein’s world view of “moral relativism”. The intent of the writers of the US Constitution has no bearing today according to the good Komrade. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Frisco has adopted this philosophy as well, when they “legislate from the bench”.
Once again, can you hear my head banging on my desk?