Every day I see ‘WHITE folks’ apologizing for their “white privilege” in an attempt to gain favor with the mob and with the god, Blim. You can read about the god Blim HERE.
Have these enlightened melanin challenged lemmings practiced a bit of self introspection and considered what message they are expressing when they apologize and bow before the mob and Blim?
When they apologize for their “white privilege” they are confessing that THEY ARE BETTER than other people because of their skin color. They swear their allegiance on their knees to the mob and to Blim. With this oath they are telling the mob that you need the BETTER WHITE people to give power and credence to the mob. Without the BETTER WHITE people the oppressed cannot succeed. WHITEY must help out the LESS educated, Economically disadvantage, and Oppressed people, otherwise the DARKER skinned will never succeed.
“Because of my WHITE skin, I’m Better educated, Richer, More powerful, and More influential than you po’ BLACK folk, and now I’m here to help.”
Seems a tad RACIST to me. However, using loonie leftist logic, it is not RACIST.
If you do this in the name of Blim, you are absolved of RACISM.