I went grocery shopping this morning and I wore my fishing scarf around my face. I have to admit it feels weird shopping with my face covered.
Here’s the interesting thing I noticed about the other people in the store. All of the younger people had surgical masks on. The middle aged wore scarfs or surgical masks. The odd thing is that the oldest people in the store didn’t wear any sort of mask. They just casually went about with their grocery shopping. For people supposedly part of the “most vulnerable” group, the older folks seemed to be the least concerned. They probably think, “I’ve lived through the Korean War and the Vietnam War, two recessions, and two other pandemics so how bad can this be?”
Others are using the face mask wearing for another purpose. The bank that my friend works at was robbed last week, by, wait for it, perps wearing surgical masks.
“Was there anything distinctive about the suspects?”
“Yes, they were wearing blue surgical masks.“