All of the Dim candidates are throwing around different plans to “fix” healthcare. Interestingly they are tacitly admitting that healthcare was destroyed by Obummercare and now needs to be “fixed”.
What are these different (loonie tune) plans?
“Medicare for All” pushed by communist Bernie and capital-communist Pocahontas means that the “gummint” will take over and run all healthcare eliminating private insurance. All of the burden of healthcare will be paid for by you the TAXPAYER. Whether you believe the Bern or Lie-awatha as far as the costs for “Medicare for All“, there isn’t enough money to pay for the plan without huge tax increases on the middle-class taxpayer. The costs estimates for “Medicare for All” vary between $3 TRILLION to over $5 TRILLION PER YEAR. To put these number in perspective, the total taxes taken in by the Federal Government in 2018 was $3.6 TRILLION. The taxes taken in were not enough to pay for Federal budget. There is almost HALF A TRILLION DOLLAR$ of uncovered spending EACH YEAR. We can’t pay for the budget as it exists today and the Dimbulb plan wants to more than double what the government spends. Bernie admits that taxes will go up on the middle-class.
“Single Payer” healthcare is just another name for “Medicare for All“. The single payer is once again the “gummint”.
“Public Option” for health care that Ukraine Joe and Alfred E. Newman-Buttigieg expound as the “smart” way to fix Obummercare, is just a stepping stone to “Medicare for All“. It’s a plan where you can “opt-in” or in some cases “forced into” a government run insurance plan that competes with private insurance. Think about this for a moment. A government insurance program can hemorrhage money and undercut any private insurance company because the government can just pass the losses onto you the TAXPAYER. How many businesses can compete against a company (the government) that always loses money? The “Public Option” is designed to bankrupt private insurance companies on the backs of the TAXPAYERS. What’s left after all private insurance is bankrupted? Oh gee, “Medicare for All“.
No matter which Dim plan you look at, it’s always “Medicare-for-All‘ in the end. Some candidates just plan to achieve it sooner than the others.