Pussy Rage!

Liberté! Liberté! Liberté!

Screams of the resistance.

Well, the weepie pussies are at it again. They plan a collective scream (i.e. tantrum) on the anniversary of the election where the anointed one Hillybob lost to the orange tornado.

You can see the facial-book event page HERE.

I think they should all buy some of my PUSSY shirts when they have their TANTRUM and stomp their feet. You can read about the shirts HERE.

What I find demoralizing about all of this, is that almost all of the idiots (I know, I know, that’s insulting to real idiots) who will be screaming at the sky and most likely crying over the loss by Hillybob, are ADULTS. Doesn’t bode well for the future of our country.

Maybe instead of being pussies, they should grow a pair, get over it, and WORK at something that matters.  Seems the idea of work now days is facial-booking and twatting.  Oh, I guess that’s sexist, non-PC, misogynistic, and a micro-aggression.


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