Indoctrinate The Children!

I just read this story on a TOY GUN EXCHANGE. You can read it HERE.

The trade-in program is for toy guns and you get “more family-friendly gifts“.

I guessed they would give the little boys ‘family-friendly’ DOLLS in exchange for their toy guns.  Sure as shootin’ (pun intended), dolls were one of the exchange toys.

Why don’t they give the little boys dresses and some makeup kits as well?

I may need to make my #I’MAPUSSY SHIRTS in kid’s sizes…

As I read the article, the bigger and more TROUBLING INFORMATION that was buried at the end of the story is that some of the exchange toys were given by ‘Toys for Tots’.  I’ve given many toys over the years to the organization.  I always believed that the organization was giving the donated toys to kids in need.  I didn’t realize that “TOYS FOR TOTS” is using the donated toys as part of an ANTI-SECOND AMENDMENT INDOCTRINATION PROGRAM.

Looking over their website I can’t find any information on their political stance.  It does show that their stated policy for an unacceptable toy donations is: “Toys for Tots prefers not to accept realistic looking weapons …“.  I’m okay with that policy.  It is however, a bit nebulous.  Would a toy jet fighter be unacceptable?  Would a Sopwith Camel biplane be unacceptable?  Would a toy battleship be unacceptable?  Would a toy tank be unacceptable?  Are “green army men” unacceptable?  Okay, I really don’t know where the organization stands on the Second Amendment.

From all that I can see the Toys for Tots organization is very well run and does lots of good for those in need.  Why do they need to get involved in a political agenda?   Hopefully the decision to participate in the anti-second amendment program was just a misguided local decision and not systemic to the organization as a whole.

Law, What Law? I Don’t See No Stinkin’ Law…

Last week The Terrorist Twins of The People’s Republik of Kalifornia, Governor Moonbeam and his newly selected attorney general, Xavier Becerra (replacing Kamala “Kommunist” Harris who will become our senator), announced that they plan to openly defy the incoming White House Administration.

They plan to ignore Federal Laws that they don’t like and additionally are putting in place plans to sue the Federal Government. The Terrorist Twins are parading around citing “State’s Rights”.

Since when did “State’s Rights” become a liberal progressive platform? Golly, Kommunists usually have promoted bigger government. They cheered when President Obama, flippy flopped (and he has done his share of flopping), on gay marriage and abortion. They cheered the passage of the Unaffordable Healthcare Act by the Feds. Even though the new administration has yet to be confirmed by the Electoral College, our Terrorist Twins are already stamping their feet in protest.

The Terrorist Twins are also espousing that because Kalifornia is the most populous state, “we” must lead the way in defying the new administration. What the heck?  Umm, what do you call it when the bigger more powerful, forces the weaker to bend to his will? Isn’t that know as “BULLYING“? I thought the progressive PUSSYs were against bullying?  This goes hand in hand with the violent mob protests that are sweeping this country as a means of enacting change.  Bully and intimidate those who are weaker to get your way.  Great plan Moonbeam.

I guess our system of government changed in the past few decades since I took civics class, and I wasn’t given the update memo. Laws now appear to be enacted, interpreted, and validated through violent mob protest, defiance, and litigation.  There USED to be a process to change Federal laws that employed a state’s Senators and House Representatives in Congress. This USED to be a Republic, a representative democracy.  The Pledge of Allegiance includes the phrase “And to the Republic for which it stands“.   Oh that’s right, shhh, we can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance any more.  Take a knee everyone.

I’m not a parent but how would you teach your kids to respect and obey laws, when “the leaders” publicly state that they intend to ignore laws that they don’t like?

Can we as SUBJECTS ignore laws that we don’t like?

Of course that’s a rhetorical question because we are the subjects and not the all powerful intelligentsia consisting of politicians, overpaid sports figures, and Hollyweird actors.

Ramblings of a maker