Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Economic Recovery

Mr Trump said something quite profound last night and I suspect most people missed it.

He said that the economic recovery, that President Obama and Hillary Clinton laud as their great success, is only a financial recovery.  His exact words, “Now, look, we have the worst revival of an economy since the Great Depression. And believe me: We’re in a bubble right now. And the only thing that looks good is the stock market…

What is a ‘financial recovery’ versus a ‘real economic recovery’?  Let’s examine what an expert says.

Harvard economist Clayton Christensen outlined in a talk that he gave about business growth. what has happened with economic recoveries after recessions. You can watch the talk HERE. It’s well worth watching the first 9 minutes.  Watch the whole thing if you’re a business-gloid!

Summarizing what Christensen said, is that during a recession jobs are lost and companies will work to fulfill their business obligations with remaining staff. The recession bottoms out for a period of time but eventually a company will need to start hiring staff as the economy recovers and sales increase.

Christensen states that there have been NINE recessions in the US since World War 2. During the first SIX recessions the average time was six months after hitting bottom that hiring started again.

The seventh recession was in 1991-2 and that recovery took 15 months.

The next recession was in 2001-2 and that recovery took 39 months.

The ninth and latest recession was in 2007-8 and that recovery took SIX YEARS.

Christensen says about this latest recession recovery, “These rebounds are financial and not real in character“.  Hmmm, sound familiar?

He goes on to say, “So people who have money get a lot of money faster. But the rest of us, there are not a lot of jobs in which we get slotted in anymore”.

And there is something that has fundamentally gone wrong with our economy“.

The numbers bear out what Mr. Trump and Mr. Christensen point out.

The White House touts that because of their wonderful economic policies that there are only 7.5 million people unemployed. They conveniently forget about the 94 million workers who just dropped out of the work force because they can’t get a job.

I agree with Mr. Christensen that something “has fundamentally gone wrong with our economy“.

Who would you rather have taking charge of our economy, a businessman or a political wonk whose new plan is a massive expansion of the same old failed plan?  I guess I’m pretty deplorable for asking that question.

“Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss”, The Who.

Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!

Tonight is the first presidential debate. I’ve heard as many as 100,000,000 viewers will be watching. That’s as big as the Superbowl.

I find it hilarious that both candidates had to negotiate terms for the debate. Hillybob demanded a stool or stepstool so she would be the same height as 6-foot 4-inch Donald Trump. If she becomes president will she have a dedicated stool staffer whenever she is in negotiations with foreign dignitaries?  Royalty of old did have someone dedicated to the chamber pot, so I guess a stool staffer wouldn’t be that far out of line.

There is a lot of discussion about which Donald Trump and which Hillary are going to be behind the podiums.

I have to say I like what Mr. Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway said this morning. She was asked if The Donald was preparing for both Hillary personas that might show up to the debate. She answered, “No. There is only one Hillary. She may have two different stories, but there’s only one Hillary.

I Was Wrong

I’m admitting to you, I was wrong.

I wrote earlier that it cost you the taxpayer about $1,000,000 big ones every time President Obama takes a flight and stumps for Hillybob. You can read my original post HERE.

It was recently noted that the DNC paid what it says is customary reimbursement for use of Air Force One.  The amount that they paid?


Looks like I was way off base. I made the erroneous assumption that they paid half of the cost. They reimbursed less than 4% of the total costNOT 50% as I had estimated.  My bad.  Interestingly they also used 2 hours of flight time in their reimbursement calculation.

Revising my numbers, it looks like it costs the US Taxpayer almost the full $2 million big tamales,


You know the old saying when you assume something, “They make an ASS out of you and me”, which is just what they are doing.

So I hereby apologize to President Obama, The DNC, and Hillybob for making an incorrect assumption about how fair and transparent they are to the American taxpayer.