Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

Let The Spy Games Begin!

Looks like President Obama and Silicon Valley beat me to the punch.

I wrote that Hillybob would ask private industry to spy on the masses because current laws don’t allow the government to wholesale search through data.  They can only ask for limited searches and they require a specific search warrant. You can read my original post HERE.

Apparently Yahoo has already started to wholesale spy on US Citizens at the request of the CURRENT administration. You can read the details HERE.

Looks like President Obama has already chosen FOR US that Security trumps Privacy.  Odd that he allows this since he’s the one who axed the previous administration’s spying action.  Apparently rescinding  President Bush’s plan was all political theater as we can see he has no regard for individual privacy.

I imagine that President Obama had an “Oh sh*t” moment after he killed off Bush’s data collection plan.  It was soon after he axed the plan that the San Bernardino massacre happened and they couldn’t get into the phone of the terrorist.  Had he let the old plan remain, they would have already had all the phone’s data.

Since Hillybob is President Obama Part Deux, expect more of the same kind of “transparency”.

Hillary Threatened To Kill Donald Trump!

Hillybob gave another rousing speech to a crowd that sounded like fifty of her rabid fans in Toledo Ohio this morning.

A couple of observations.

She screamed about Mr. Trump, “He was using his political connections to collect hundreds of millions of dollars… He was taking with both hand and leaving us with the Bill“.

Are these the political connections and is this the “Bill“?


Of course how much could Mr. Trump take with both hands?  Senator Rubio pointed out that he does have small hands!

Then thirty minutes into the speech she implied that she would have killed Mr. Trump under the right circumstances. She wailed, “He stiffed them all. He wouldn’t pay them. And he told them, ‘you wanna get your money, sue me’. I’m just grateful my dad didn’t get a contract with Donald Trump because I don’t know what WE would have done!“.

Sounds like a mafia-esque threat to me.  Others that have crossed the Clintons have mysteriously expired.

Maybe we do need more gun control just to keep her from killing off the competition!

Spying On Americans By Whom?

I will state up front that there is a big moral dilemma surrounding this topic.

Hillybob keeps saying that once she secures the White House, she will get “Silicon Valley” to help her with the war on domestic terror. What she’s calling for is to have private industry SPY on United States Citizens or at a minimum to have them create tools which will allow her administration to spy on US Citizens (and others). Why private industry? Well because her mentor President Obama shut down The National Security Administration, NSA, from the wholesale collecting of information on US and foreign parties.  This shutdown precipitated from the information divulged by the traitor Edward Snowden.   The biggest problem that I have with this call to arms, is that Hillybob and her cronies will be the ones who will be in control of all this spying.  Again this is one of those issues that I’m not sure that the American People understand all of its ramifications.

Let’s get a little background information on what the spy game WAS.  The story you may have heard was that the ‘government’ was listening in on all the cellphone conversations.  That’s not exactly correct.  No particular individual’s phone was tapped.  Our government had agreements with all the telecom carriers here in the US and in many foreign countries, to get every single piece of data traffic routed to ‘The Agency’.  Private companies were unzipping their pants (okay and lifting their skirts to be inclusive) for the government.  These agreements all came about under the watch of President George Bush.  Did it help the war on terror?  Most likely.  Did it keep the American People safe?  Again most likely.  Is it a violation of individual privacy?  Once more, most likely.  This is the big moral dilemma.  Which trumps which (no political pun intended), Privacy or Security?

Personally I don’t care if our government spies on my phone, email, or other digital footprint, if it’s only used to determine if criminal activities are in progress.  There is a matter of TRUST about how the data will be used.  Under President Bush I believe that the data collected was ‘most likely’ used for national security purposes.  I don’t believe Mr. Bush attempted to profit from the data gathered.

With Hillybob and her cronies, I have no such trust.  She and her staff have shown a pattern of using anything they can get their dirty little paws on for their own gain.  FBI Director Comey criticized the way they handled classified information entrusted to them.  It appears she sold government influence to the highest bidder. Money flows to FoC, Friends of Clintons.  Every word that comes out of her mouth seems to be a lie.  How can we trust her with our privacy?  Can we trust her staff who diligently broke the law and deleted her servers?  Additionally can we trust the corporations that she will empower, who will undoubtedly be FoC, with our privacy?

Here’s where it gets even muddier with Hillybob’s plan.  Terrorists are not stupid!  What will happen is the terrorist activity will move to “The Dark Web”.

You may have heard the term on the telly, but you may not know what it is.  The Dark Web is just the regular old Internet with independent encrypted servers or relays that prevent traffic analysis of where messages originate and are delivered.  It also breaks up the ‘packets’ of data along random paths which makes it difficult to intercept a complete message.  You may have seen on your favorite TV drama some knot-head-nerd character saying “we can trace his IP address”.  Not so easy on the Dark Web.  Here’s also one of those ‘FYI’ tidbits.  The US military and law enforcement use Dark Web technology for their own secure communications to prevent hostile actors from spying on them.  Reporters use it to communicate with dissidents in other countries.  Drug traffickers use the Dark Web to conceal their plans and shipment information. I’m not going to tell you how to do it, but it’s not very difficult to figure out how to use it.

Okay, once all the terrorists move to the Dark Web, who’s left?  That leaves you and me that Hillybob will be spying on.

Using my best fake Southern accent, “Stronger Together, y’all”.