Category Archives: Politics

A category with my rants on politics.

I Guess I’m Sexist

President Obama was chastising men in his speech yesterday. He said that men need to get over their male dominance and bias, and vote for Hillybob. He opined, “I want every man out there who’s voting to kinda look inside yourself and ask yourself, if you’re having problems with this stuff, how much of it is that we’re just not used to it?”

Michael Moore, the communist film maker echoed a similar opinion, He said men need to give up the 10,000 years of control and let a woman lead.

“Just not used to it”?  10,000 years of only men running countries? Ummm, maybe I’m not much of a historian, but isn’t Angela Merkel running Germany? Wasn’t Margaret Thatcher the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom? Didn’t Golda Meir do a couple of piddly tasks in Israel?

Oh and what about in the 1400s, wasn’t there a young woman named Joan of Arc who led the French Army to victory over the invading English?

As the ‘Most Enlightened Man In The World’, doesn’t President Obama recognize the leadership of women throughout history?  Why is that not considered sexist?  Has he never thought, folks don’t want to vote for Hillybob because of what she’s done (and not done) and what she stands for, and not the fact that she has ovaries?

I guess we Neanderthals would never let the RIGHT woman lead a country.  Now back to my beer and scratching my crotch.  What channel is NASCAR on?

An Immigrant’s View Of The Presidential Election

I had my hair cut at a barbershop owned and run by “Jane” (not her real name), a Vietnamese woman. During my haircut we got on the subject of the Presidential Election. Jane said that she is voting for “Trump“.

She told me that she would not vote for Hilary. When I asked her why that was, she said that, “Clinton just wants to get more money.  She’s in it for herself.

Jane is an immigrant and refugee. She told me in her community a lot of people say to vote for “Clinton“. She said that we need a change.

Jane said that under “Obama” her business has suffered. She said that she used to have five people working for her cutting hair,  Now she works the business alone because, she said, that people don’t have the money for a $10 haircut.  She feels that “Clinton” wants the country stay on the same path that hurt her business and only wants to be president to “get money“.

Jane said that she now has medical coverage under Obamacare but here is what I found interesting. She said having Obamacare doesn’t matter in her choice for President. I believe her words were, “I have Obamacare.  I don’t care.  We need to think about OUR country“.

This is from someone who fled a communist takeover of her birth country, came to The United States, started a business, and most importantly, CHOSE to become a citizen, adopting this country as HER country.

There is a lot of wisdom in the phrase, “We need to think about our country“.

Is Hillybob Channeling My Blog?

After FBI Director Comey dropped the bomb on dear Hillybob last Friday, I watched her rally that she held a couple of hours after the news of the Congressional letter broke. I was curious to hear what she had to say about the re-opening of the CRIMINAL investigation by Director Comey.

Blah, blah, blah. It was ALMOST word for word the same teleprompter speech she has given previously. As to Director Comey’s actions, she was completely silent. BUT that’s not what I found most interesting.

In a previous post I wrote that Hillybob threatened TO KILL DONALD TRUMP. You can read the post HERE.

Her speech on Friday, again WORD FOR WORD the same as her KILLING SPEECH, except she CHANGED the threat line. Instead of saying “I don’t know what WE would have done“, she said, “People deserve to be paid“.

Is she reading my blog?  Maybe I’m planting thoughts into her brain. The way of the Jedi mind trick, I have learned.

“The Clintons.  You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villany”.

“Hillybob, this is not the presidency you are looking for”.

“Donald Trump can go about his business”.

“Move along, move along…”