Category Archives: Culture

Pussy Rage!

Liberté! Liberté! Liberté!

Screams of the resistance.

Well, the weepie pussies are at it again. They plan a collective scream (i.e. tantrum) on the anniversary of the election where the anointed one Hillybob lost to the orange tornado.

You can see the facial-book event page HERE.

I think they should all buy some of my PUSSY shirts when they have their TANTRUM and stomp their feet. You can read about the shirts HERE.

What I find demoralizing about all of this, is that almost all of the idiots (I know, I know, that’s insulting to real idiots) who will be screaming at the sky and most likely crying over the loss by Hillybob, are ADULTS. Doesn’t bode well for the future of our country.

Maybe instead of being pussies, they should grow a pair, get over it, and WORK at something that matters.  Seems the idea of work now days is facial-booking and twatting.  Oh, I guess that’s sexist, non-PC, misogynistic, and a micro-aggression.


Put Out A Fire Using ICE?

The fires in Northern People’s Republik of Kalifornia (taking the lives of at least 42 people) have “ignited” more debate on immigration.

It turns out that an illegal alien (undocumented guest worker in PRK-speak), described as a homeless man, started fires in Somoma County. Jesus Fabian Gonzalez was previously deported twice back to his home country of Mexico. He had been released from custody as he was protected by the “sanctuary” policies and hence Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, was never notified of his arrests even though they had a detainer request on him. Some of his previous crimes rose to the felony level. But we don’t want to be mean to our uninvited “guests”.  We only enforce “good” laws here in the PRK.

Breitbart is spreading the story that Gonzales may have been responsible for a string of these wildfires, but the local officials are downplaying that notion, saying that this is “unlikely”.  Notice they did not say impossible.

Now I’ll “fire” up the conspiracy theory machine. Has anyone looked into whether or not undocumented guest Gonzales has any ties to the Mexican drug cartels?  Could he have been a hired stooge to set the fires?  Why would the cartels want these wildfires?

One of the outcomes of the fires in Northern PRK is that several of the large marijuana farms had their crops destroyed right at the peak of harvest season. These farms were getting ready for the 2018 rush to buy “legalized” recreational dope (thanks in advance Gov. Moonbeam, for the dead people and increased crime that will result from the legalization of dope). Now if the PRK crops are gone, where do you think the weed will come from to satisfy the BIG demand for recreational drugs, come the new year? Oh maybe where weed come from now, the Mexican drug cartels.  Of course the cartels wouldn’t start trouble that might cause the deaths of 42 people.  That would be a lot of deaths.  Just as a factual data point, 23,000 people were killed in Mexico by the cartels in 2016.  But they were for the most part poor brown people in some backwater bergs, so that number is fairly meaningless.  We Americans need our drugs, doggone it.

Of course the cartels sneaking someone across the border to burn down the competition couldn’t happen here in the progressive PRK.  That would be against the law.

Communist Influence In American Entertainment

As a BANANA AMERICAN, (yellow on the outside white on the inside and I stand for the RED, WHITE, and BLUE), I have to poo-poo the new movie, “The Foreigner”, produced by and starring Jackie Chan. Why do I recommend NOT going to the movie?

Jackie Chan WAS an actor that I enjoyed watching over the years. However I have made a decision NOT to support his movies as he is a DEVOUT COMMUNIST who apparently HATES The United States of America. Chan likes the money that the American public shells out for his movies and he seems to enjoy the accolades of the fans (over 65 million on his social media accounts), but when he goes back to China he regularly blasts the US way of life as a den of corruption compared to the great country he’s from. He has said that this corruption comes from having TOO MUCH FREEDOM.  Chan had this to say about freedoms in his own country, “Chinese people need to be controlled, otherwise they will do whatever they want.

He uses Taiwan as another example of a country with too much freedom.  He calls democracy in Taiwan, “the biggest joke in the world“.  Of course we all know that Taiwan is a sore spot for Beijing as they haven’t been able to conquer their next door neighbor, mostly because we, the US, have a treaty with Taiwan to protect them from a Chinese invasion.

Of course the progressisy-SOCIALIST-Bernie-bros probably agree with Chan’s views of the world.  Give up on this antiquated idea of individual freedom.  Big SOCIALIST government should run all of our lives.  #resist the Constitution.  Get rid of the pesky amendments, especially the first two.  The Socialist movement is probably a delight to a good communist such as Chan, because as Karl Marx’s theory points out, SOCIALISM is just a rest stop on the path to COMMUNISM.