Category Archives: International

News Buffoon

Last night, President Trump and the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, met and agreed to de-nuclearize the Korean peninsula.

When they wrapped up their meeting and before signing the declaration towards achieving de-nuclearization, the leaders stepped in front of the cameras to shake hands. I watched the event unfold live last night.

Unfortunately, as expected, an American “reporter” started screaming out inflammatory questions to both President Trump and Chairman Kim. This was a perfect example of why most of the world has an image that Americans are uncouth. The “reporter” had been selected as the press pool correspondent who was allowed to cover this historic moment for all of the United States.

This BUFFOON who had been selected was obviously someone with TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. I kept thinking to myself as I watched this event, “this idiot should SHUT THE F*** UP!“.

Who was the BUFFOON?

Turns out, by luck of the draw, it was the Clinton News Network “reporter” Jim Acosta who had the front row seat to history. What are the odds that this F’ing idiot was the representative for the US press corp and designated to bring the news to the American people?

President Trump and Chairman Kim, ignored the rantings of that idiot Acosta.  Someone needs to revoke the fool’s press credentials as he has proven himself so full of rage against our President that he is not a news reporter but a political hack.

As both leaders left the room I suspect this conversation took place between President Trump and Chairman Kim.

Trump: “I need to apologize for that outburst from that reporter. He was completely out of line. That knucklehead hates me and will do whatever he can to embarrass you and me.

Kim: “Why don’t you just shoot him with an anti-aircraft gun on live TV? That always works for me.

Trump: “This is why I said, you and I have a special bond.

How Do You Get A Job In This Department?

Sheesh. The wackiest thing that came out of the declassified papers about the assassination of President Kennedy is that Oswald was tapped making a call to the “Department of Sabotage and Assassination” in the Russian government.

They had a known department for “Sabotage and Assassination”?  Whaaat?!?

My question is, how do you get a job in that department? Are there hiring guidelines? Is it like getting a “00” in British Intelligence (a James Bond reference) and you must have two confirmed kills while on probation?

What happens if you have an HR complaint about a fellow department member?  Is that just handled internally?

How do they go about picking the head of that department? Do the Council of Ministers need to approve the department head selection by the president?  Are Ruskie parents proud when they find out that their child qualified for the department?  “I’m so proud of little Boris now that he has that job bumping people off!”

What other zany departments make up the Russian government?