Category Archives: Business

In More Than 45 Years I’ve Never Had A Job!

I’m not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV

After the election of President Trump in 2016 there are many legal nuances that I had no idea existed. This according to experts from the Director of the FBI, The Department of Justice, and “real” lawyers (bah humbug) on the news programs.

One of these nuances I’ve already written about. This is the notion of INTENT as a requirement to determine if I law has been violated. You can read about INTENT using “lawyer logic” HERE.  This was the INSANE logic that Showboat Comey used to defend Hillybob’s innocence in the email scandal, even though she OBVIOUSLY committed multiple FELONIES.

The next interesting nuance in the law is that written plans prior to committing a crime is not evidence of premeditation. This is the argument that the defenders of Showboat Comey use to PROVE that his writing of the Hillybob exoneration memo prior to his interviewing of her is not evidence that he “prejudged” her innocence.  Using he “Comey-protection Logic” the defenders of Counselor Showboard argue that his writing of the memo is unconnected to his months later verdict of her innocence and therefore his testimony to Congress that he did not decide her innocence prior to the completion of all interviews, IS NOT PERJURY.  Yeah, right.

Let’s follow the logic.

If we follow this lawyerly “Comey-protection Logic“,  just because a murderer had at his home a hand written shopping list that included duct tape, rope, a tarp, a hammer, and a shovel, that written list DOES NOT DEMONSTRATE PREMEDITATION even IF a body is discovered wrapped in a tarp which was tied up with rope, hands and mouth duct taped, bludgeoned with a hammer, and buried in a shallow grave. According to “Comey-protection Logic“, a document written prior an act is not proof of any PREMEDITATION or PLANNING.  “Comey-protection Logic” says, premeditation of a crime cannot exist, which implies that there can almost never be a case for First Degree Murder, which requires PREMEDITATION. The only way to charge First Degree Murder is if the defendant confesses to premeditation of the murder! This according to the logic from “Real” LAWYERS.

A third interesting nuance that the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE is presenting is that IF a lawyer only has one client, he is not a lawyer.  The DOJ is applying to this arguments as to why they are “entitled” to all documents seized from President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen.  IF Cohen only has ONE client (employed soley by Donald Trump as his personal attorney) he is NOT a lawyer.  They go on to argue that if he is NOT a lawyer then NO attorney-client privilege exists. Without attorney-client privilege the DOJ believes they can use ALL seized documents as they see fit.

Once more let’s follow the logic.

Think about how this applies to corporate lawyers.  They only have one client, their employer.  The DOJ “one employer, not a lawyer logic” means that the DOJ can willy-nilly seize any corporate attorney’s documents as NO corporate lawyer can ever be a “real” lawyer.  Applying the one-employer logic to those of us who are in the great unwashed, it means that if you have only one employer, you actually are not working at the job that you think you are getting paid for.  In all my working life, I’ve ONLY had ONE employer at a time, therefore I must not have ever worked a “real” job. I can conclude in over 45 years of employment, I’ve never worked a day in my life! Sheesh I feel like quite the slacker, now that the DOJ has shown me that having only one employer makes me a “non-real” worker.

And they say those in the millennial generation are slackers.

It looks as if you charge $700 per hour and wear $5000 suits, you can say with confidence anything you want, whether is makes LOGICAL SENSE or NOT.

Okay, now I’ll say it, “All of these LAWYERS are full of SHIT!

Birthday Surprise

I was on a rant the past few days.  So now for something a bit lighter.

I was sent a newsletter and one of the articles pointed out that today Barbie, the plastic doll, is 58 years old. There was a list in the article of all the occupations that Barbie has held in her lifetime. One of the occupations listed was ENGINEER.

WTF? Engineer? I didn’t know there was a “Engineer Barbie”. As an engineer, of course I had to look it up.

Barbie has been criticized as an unobtainable symbol of beauty for little girls. Desirability ISN’T one of the qualities normally associated with ENGINEERS. In fact,

What does an ENGINEER use for BIRTH CONTROL?


In 2010 Mattel released their first “Engineer Barbie”.  Here she is: 

Actually it was “Computer Programmer Barbie” though many were calling her an engineer.  We knuckle-dragging engineers don’t consider a programmer as an engineer.  The affectionate name we call them is “Code Monkey”.  There’s an old adage:

Beware of programmers carrying screwdrivers

Last year Mattel released another “Engineer Barbie”. Here she is: 
And what does Barbie work on? Washing machines. I guess Mattel wanted to keep Barb close to her “Domestic Engineer” roots.  What caught my attention is what she’s holding in her hand.  Why she needs a biological lab microscope to build a washing machine, I have no idea.  Perhaps Mattel is just reinforcing her blondeness.

This Picture Should Scare The Hell Out Of Everyone


Forget about the blather de jour that the media puts forth on a nightly basis.  There has been almost NO  media coverage of this REAL EMERGING THREAT.

What are we looking at?  Well it’s a commercially available quadcopter or “drone”, with an explosive attached to it.

I found that you can buy this exact drone online for $199 with free shipping.  I suspect that the Mexican cartels used this particular drone as they are manufactured in Tijuana, Mexico.  Oddly it was designed in Berkeley California, the hub of “free speech”.  There are numerous OTHER quadcopters made in China which are available for retail purchase for a few hundred dollars and they all have similar capabilities.  And it’s the CAPABILITIES that are worrisome.

As an alternative to buying a completed drone, you can buy all the parts and pieces from many sources, foreign and domestic, to put one together.  In fact if one were sneaky, one would probably source the parts through a number of different vendors to cover one’s tracks and not raise any red flags.  Notice I say “one” which has significance that I’ll clarify below.

The picture shows what Mexican drug cartel operatives were caught with.  The report said it is carrying what they call a “potato bomb”.  It’s 1 pound of explosives wrapped in shrapnel (nails and ball bearing) to enhance its killing capabilities.

Here’s what i find disturbing about this.  A drone like this can fly at 30 mph or more.  It has a flight time of at least 10 minutes before the batteries die.  It may be able to travel faster and have a flight time of possibly up to 20 minutes.  Using the conservative numbers of 30 mph for 10 minutes, that’s a range of AT LEAST 5 MILES, possibly more than 10 miles.  With the built-in GPS it can travel those 5 to 10 or more miles and arrive at a target within about 10 feet, possibly even closer.  There are ways to get it within INCHES or factions of an INCH of a target.  There is a possibility to fly it through a window or doorway just to give some additional food for thought.

A drone like this is capable of completely autonomous operation.  What does that mean?  Well an evil doer can program in the GPS coordinates for the target and set it loose to cause mayhem.  It does not require any further human interaction once the target location has been programmed in.  Virtual waypoints (locations to define the drone’s flight path) can be programmed to allow the drone to skirt around buildings and other obstacles which would make it harder to detect.  You’ll hear some naive “experts” saying that you can “jam” the drone.  That is patently FALSE!.  Again, it flies all by itself.  Once the drone is in flight there is NOTHING to jam.  Keep in mind that NO training or experience is required to get the drone flying.  Technology has made it that simple.

It gets worse.

Now here’s where it can get even scarier.  At a cost of $200 a bad actor could buy 100 of them for less than the price of a nice used car ($20,000).  They could be released miles away from a target and the flock of killer drones could approach the destination from multiple directions.  Recall above that the flight path can be programmed in.  The bad guy could also “sequence” them so they arrive in “waves”, staggered a few seconds apart from each other, again coming in from all directions.  The odds of stopping  ALL 100 drones coming in from multiple direction in “waves” would most likely be near ZERO.  An attack in an urban setting would make detection and interception virtually impossible by any means.  I don’t think the military, law enforcement, or any government agency has the capability to stop such an attack.  And again, some food for thought.  100 drones means 100 pounds of explosives.  That’s a heck of a big boom.

The press likes to use the term “lone wolf“.  Well one bad guy could easily load 100 drones into a van and let them loose miles away from the intended target, ALL BY HIMSELF!  One EVIL man.  No vast network of terrorists required.

This is why I said, this should scare the hell out of everyone.