You No Play-a The Game, You No Make-a The Rules

You No Play-a The Game, You No Make-a The Rules“, the famous words from former Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz describing his view of the Pope’s stance on birth control.

Interestingly many if not ALL of the dumbocrat presidential candidates have the same view as good old Earl Butz when it comes to abortion. The candidates wrap this concept up in flowery speech, but fundamentally  they all believe that only the pregnant woman can rationally decide the fate of the unborn child.  Never mind that an unplanned conception was probably not a rational choice.

Mayor Alfred E. Newman Buttigieg during the town hall last night said this about late term abortion including infanticide, “I think the dialogue has gotten so caught up on where to draw the line, that we’ve gotten away from the fundamental question of who gets to draw the line. And I trust women to draw the line when it’s their own health.

Um, Alfred, how about we use some of that there Rhodes Scholarly logic to another situations of terminating human life.

Using your learned, smoothly delivered view on choice, why don’t we let MURDERERS define what is MURDER. Most of the population hasn’t killed anyone but murderers have. MURDERERS would be uniquely qualified to determine what is and is not murder by your logic. A murderer should also be trusted to “draw the line when it comes to whom they kill or don’t kill.  Cue raucous supporters’ applause.

Wonderful plan, Alfred.

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