Why Do We Need To Apologize?

Truth in lending statement. I haven’t see the movie, “First Man”, which is about Neil Armstrong. I WILL NOT pay money to see the movie.

There is a controversy about the movie because the director “decided” to omit the planting of the American flag on the moon.
The CANADIAN actor who portrays Armstrong has stated, that the moon landing, “… transcended countries and borders … [was] widely regarded in the end as a human achievement, that’s how we chose to view it“.  F’ you, snow monkey!

Once again, the apology for American Greatness. I suspect that the younger “socialist” generation once again missed out on the FACT that we were in a “space race” with the Russians. Hmmm, once again the Russians. The Ruskies kicked our asses in getting the first satellite in orbit, Sputnik, the first animal to orbit the Earth, the dog Laika, and the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin. Do they teach that in school? I doubt if you asked any Russian comrade if these three accomplishments are viewed as world achievements, you would hear anything but HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER.

We should be proud to say that “America was and still is the greatest nation on Earth“. We kicked the commies’ butts and beat them to the moon. American ingenuity, American workers, American dollars, and American courage accomplished the greatest achievement of ALL MANKIND. That doesn’t “transcend borders”. That’s American willpower, American skill, and American greatness.

We didn’t stick the UN flag on lunar surface.  We planted the American flag on the moon.

200 Articles!

This is the 200th article since I began writing this blog.  The first post was on July 27, 2016.

Today, the big news is the confirmation hearings for Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.  I don’t think I will write too much on the topic as it’s an unfolding story.  The big takeaway that I’ve seen so far is from Senator Feinstein who seems to have blurted out what the big concern is with Judge Kavanaugh.  The left is afraid that he will reduce the number of unborn babies KILLED and let people own their Second Amendment protected firearms.  Feinstein in her opening remarks was concerned with his position on abortion and guns.  TO HER these are the “fundamental issues” that will be decided INCORRECTLY  by Judge Kavanaugh as a member of the Supreme Court.  She wants more documents on order to find the bomb to derail his nomination.

Enough on the hearings.

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