Security Clearances

Today, The White House announced that it is considering rescinding the security clearances for some of President Obama’s cabinet members and staff. Of course the loonie leftists in Congress are saying that if they do this, this is the end of the world. “Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling, Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together…

Let’s get a few facts about security clearances. In order to handle classified information, you need at least TWO things,

  • Possess a clearance that is at or above the highest level of classification of the material that you will be accessing.
  • You must have a “NEED TO KNOW” in order to have access to the classified information.

Just because someone has a top secret clearance DOES NOT give them FREE access to any piece of classified information.  If John Brennan, former director of the CIA and current MSNBC (corrected on 7/25/2018, I originally wrote CNN) talking head, waltzed into the CIA and asked to see ANY piece of classified information, the lowliest employee is supposed to challenge him with, “WHAT IS YOUR NEED TO KNOW?“.  Of course he wouldn’t have any and said employee should tell Brennan to pound sand.

For us mortals, we must show a NEED to possess a clearance AND we must work for an organization that has a FACILITIES CLEARANCE which is the holder of the clearance.  I doubt that CNN, MSNBC, or any news organization had the proper facilities clearances to hold anyone’s clearance.

High level officials were allowed to maintain their clearances to allow them to help out in the transition from one administration to the next. There has also been a weak argument that previous administration’s staff has “corporate knowledge” that might be tapped in a crisis situation.

I see no reason for any of President Obama’s staff to have clearances. I cannot see anyone from President Trump’s administration EVER seeking “advice” from the buffoons of the previous administration.

Okay, maybe they might want to know how much a pallet of HALF A BILLION DOLLAR$ in CASH weighs, next time someone wants to load up an unmarked transport aircraft with the PAY OFF to a TERRORIST regime.

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