Annual Circle Jerk

The Hollyweird elite met last night for the annual circle jerk, called the Academy Awards, to assuage themselves of their guilt. They patted each other on the backs and lauded how progressive, inclusive, and enlightened a bunch of millionaires can be.  Just to be clear, it really is a circle jerk because the academy members (no pun intended) vote for each other to decide the winners and losers.

Okay, as a deplorable, I have to ask a naive question. why do they have  “actor” and “actress” categories?  If you separate people by gender isn’t that DIVISIVE?  If you only have two categories is that not INCLUSIVE?

These are the “self-proclaimed keepers of morality” who espouse that gender identity is only based upon what gender one feels they are. They say gender is fluid and there are more categories of gender other than just male and female.

I’m calling these hypocrites out. The Hollyweird elite should eliminate these highly SEXIST and TRANSGENDERPHOBIC categories. By their own relativistic moral standards, they are OFFENSIVE!!! They should only have ONE category. “Best Whatever You Identify As Of They Year“.

Heck they should eliminate the “Best” in every category and give trophies to everyone. Someone might not feel included if they don’t win a trophy.

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